Localized marketing is worth the investment.

Localized marketing improves business metrics for financial services companies. This is true across local search, social, and reputation:

  • Financial services companies are losing over $34 million due to poor local search rankings

  • 46% of all Google searches are linked to something local

  • Localized content receives 12x the engagement rate than more general or “non-localized content.”

Software complexity and a lack of reporting or tracking capabilities can make ROI difficult to measure for financial services companies. How can you prove this investment impacts your marketing efforts and make a case for more support and resources?

This guide showcases the essential elements you need to know to prove the impact of localized marketing and propel your company’s ROI.

Download the guide to discover:

Where property management companies struggle with localized marketing

The three areas of localized marketing you should invest in

How to begin tracking the ROI of your localized marketing strategy

The localized marketing ROI formula

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How to measure, calculate, and showcase the results from your financial services company’s localized marketing efforts

SOCi Inc.

The Guide
to Localized Marketing ROI

How to measure, calculate, and showcase the results from your localized marketing efforts.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Multi-Location Marketers

SOCi Inc.

The Guide
to Localized Marketing ROI

The Guide
to Localized Marketing ROI

A Step-by-Step Guide for Multi-Location Marketers

Request Your Guide


SOCi is the leading CoMarketing Cloud Platform for multi-location enterprises. We empower financial services companies like Motto Mortgage, Estrella Insurance and, First Montana Bank to scale marketing efforts across all locations and digital channels in a way that is brand directed, locally perfected, and data connected. With SOCi, financial services companies can strengthen their digital presence across local search and social pages, while staying compliant in messaging, driving improved customer engagement and market leading results. To learn more about how SOCi can help fuel your localized marketing success, please visit us at www.meetsoci.com or message us at [email protected].