AI Automation for Your Local Social Strategy With Genius Social

Genius Social product visualization

SOCi's Genius Social Transforms Multi-Location Marketing With Cutting-Edge AI Technology.

By analyzing a wide range of data sources, it uncovers detailed local insights that drive the strategies behind Genius Social. With AI functioning as a data analyst and trained marketer at every location, it automatically creates monthly content calendars and engagement replies, using real-time local data analysis and a unified brand voice.

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Increase Revenue With Enhanced Visibility

  • Genius Social creates unique content for every location, adjusting the imagery and text to fit with local preferences and tone, so posts resonate with local audiences and drive revenue.

Reduce Risk With Consistent Branding

  • Going beyond automation, Genius Social ensures a uniform brand voice with every post and response, maintaining consistency and safeguarding the brand’s image at every location.
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Save Time With Streamlined Workflows

  • Genius Social automates time-consuming social media tasks, significantly reducing the operational costs associated with manual content creation and engagement management​.

Top Multi-Location
Brands Trust SOCi

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Fuel AI With Data Signals

Genius Social aggregates local data and customer insights from search engines, social media, and customer reviews, creating a 360-degree view of local interests to build effective local social strategies.

woman in an office working at her desktop
Automatically Fill Local Content Calendars

Genius Social proactively and automatically fills content calendars for the month ahead with AI-generated posts that nurture local customers effectively.

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Streamline Engagement Responses

Respond effortlessly to engagements with AI-generated responses (and ignore those spam messages), ensuring quick, accurate, and on-brand interactions.

Two young female Gen Zers with backpacks on and holding coffee in town square looking at phone and credit card together.
Ensure the Same Brand Voice Everywhere

Genius Social acts as a digital brand guideline, maintaining a consistent brand voice across every post and engagement, no matter the location.

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Say Goodbye to Waterfall Posting

Localizing your social posts can generate 71X more engagement than waterfall posting. Genius Social creates unique content for each location and adjusts posts to become more locally relevant.

Achieve Market-Leading Results With Genius Social

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RNR Tire Express

"Ever since our team started using Genius Social, it's a whole new world. It used to take us a week to respond to engagements, but with Genius Social, we respond in ten hours.”

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Classical Conversations

“With Genius, I no longer have to come in on my days off to respond to engagements and have time back in my day to focus on strategic planning and development.”

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Integrated With Key Social Platforms

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Engage with millions of users

Build community engagement with Facebook

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Visually showcase your brand

Showcase your brand visually with images, reels & stories

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Reach a wider audience

Connect with users where they search and explore.

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Build industry authority

Showcase expertise and industry insights on LinkedIn

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Increase visibility on Google

Share timely updates & promotions with existing and potential customers

Product Q&A

What Is Genius Social?

Genius Social is an AI-driven social media management tool that consists of two modules: content creation and engagement management. It automates content creation by proactively filling content calendars and creating engagement responses for every location, helping businesses enhance their online presence and streamline operations.

How Does Genius Social Create Content?

Genius Social uses AI to analyze data from various sources, including local trends, customer reviews, and past engagement metrics, to generate relevant and engaging content tailored to your audience.

How Does Genius Social Respond to Engagements?

Genius Social automates engagement responses by generating on-brand replies using AI, ensuring consistent and timely interactions with your audience.

What Data Does Genius Social Use to Create Content?

Genius Social is powerful on its own, analyzing past social data and using best practices to create monthly content calendars. It becomes even more powerful with other SOCi products, analyzing customer reviews, past engagement performance, and other relevant sources to create content that resonates with your local audience.

Will Posts Automatically Publish?

No, a human is required to review and approve all content. Corporate and local users can easily review and adjust AI-suggested posts before they are published.

How Can Corporate and Local Managers Provide Content for the AI to Post?

Corporate and local managers can provide content through an intake form, allowing them to highlight promotions, events, team members, and more. The AI uses this information to determine what to post for the month ahead, ensuring relevant and engaging content.

How Does Genius Social Handle Spam Detection for Engagements?

Genius Social flags potential spam engagements and does not create responses for them. This helps protect your brand and build trust by ensuring that the most important engagements receive replies.

Is Genius Social Suitable for Multi-Location Businesses?

Yes, Genius Social is ideal for multi-location businesses. It ensures consistent brand messaging across all locations while allowing for localized content tailored to each specific market, making it perfect for businesses with multiple locations.

How Does Genius Social Work With Other SOCi Products?

Genius Social seamlessly integrates with other SOCi products, such as Genius Search and Genius Reviews, to provide a comprehensive marketing solution. This integration ensures consistent data flow and unified management across all digital marketing channels, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness.

How Does Genius Social Work With Other SOCi Products?

By automating time-consuming tasks like content creation and customer engagement, Genius Social significantly reduces the manual effort required, lowering operational costs and freeing up resources for strategic initiatives.

What Kind of Analytics Does Genius Social Provide?

Genius Social offers detailed analytics on reach, engagement, follower growth, and more, allowing you to measure and optimize your social media performance in real-time.

Category Defining Innovation

Our dedication to transforming local marketing is recognized worldwide as we continue to deliver cutting edge technology.

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