Genius AI badge Genius

Welcome to the
Genius Era

SOCi's Genius AI is not your typical marketing AI -- it's your powerhouse, providing unparalleled insights and far-reaching automation for your multi-location business.

It's like having a dedicated data scientist and trained marketer at every location.

Unleash Genius AI Today
brain with mechanical texture

Your AI Is Only as
Smart as the Data You Feed It

The last thing you need is another one-off marketing tool.
Consolidate your data and local marketing into SOCi's award-winning platform.

Point Solution Data

  • Reviews

AI With Partial Data

  • Search
  • Reviews
  • Social
  • Chatbots

CoMarketing Cloud

  • Social
  • Ads
  • Pages
  • CRM
  • Locator
  • Engagement
  • Reviews
  • Loyalty
  • Surveys
  • Search
  • Pages
  • Locator
  • Chatbots
  • Brand voice
  • Email
  • Menus

How Genius AI Works

Data Integration


Eliminates data silos, creating a single data foundation by integrating real-time with all major local channels for every location.

Data & Signal Analysis

Data &
Signal Analysis

Analyzes data patterns & signals from hundreds of sources and networks, at every location, local insights, trends, & predictions.



Delivers data-driven actionable recommendations to optimize results across every channel for every location.

Brand & Local Voice Training

Brand & Local
Voice Training

Trains AI models in brand & local voice and behavior in order to execute consistently and authentically.

Content Creation


Drafts review and engagement responses, adds social posts, updates business listings, and creates artifacts a local marketer would need.

Task Automation

Task Automation

Utilizes award-winning applications to execute on recommended actions at scale.

Your Data Privacy Is
Our Responsibility

Ensuring data privacy, AI model security, and regulatory
standards is of utmost importance.

Human Oversight

Enhance the system's performance continuously through feedback, ensuring that humans remain an integral part of the automated processes.

Grounding & Validation

Generate reliable content that is grounded in location and customer data, ensuring its relevance and trustworthiness.

Isn’t It Time You Had a Marketing Platform That Does the Work for You?

Get Started