SOCi Summer ’23 Release Notes


SOCi Summer ’23 Release Notes

SOCi Summer 2023 Release Notes


Smart Groups

Simplify and automate your group creation process. With Smart Group by Filters, you can easily create groups based on specific criteria like locations in a certain state or zip code. Once created, these groups are automatically updated, providing ongoing accuracy and efficiency without the need for manual updates. Admins can navigate to the Groups page at the account level, click "Add Group," and then select "Create Smart Group by Filter" to open a pop-up where they can set filter criteria.      



Permissions & Configurations

Account admins can now grant local users access to our Reporting Suite, empowering local managers to take ownership of their marketing strategies and gain valuable insights into their location(s) performance.  Additionally, admins can now configure Reporting Suite dashboards at all levels to reduce clutter and ensure each user sees the most relevant reports. Learn more on how to enable these features here.      


Google Offer & Event Posts

Boost your local brand presence with Google Offer and Event Posts. Through Dynamic URLs and UTM parameters in CTAs, you can pinpoint and measure customer engagement with precision. Direct coupon codes and redemption links act as compelling incentives, driving local interest and conversions. With custom URLs and tailored CTA button labels, you can craft unique, localized messages that resonate deeply. All of these elements work in harmony to ensure your brand not only reaches but truly connects with the local audience, driving tangible results.     

Ad Account Management & Page Access

Managing local social pages and ad accounts has never been more streamlined. With the ability to create new business managers in Meta, businesses can efficiently delegate and share ad account access, ensuring each account has a valid payment method. Beyond that, users can seamlessly link social pages to accounts, share access effortlessly, and proactively monitor page statuses to preemptively address issues. This enhancement is not just about features; it's about ensuring fluidity, oversight, and proactive management for your brand's online presence.       



Genius Reviews

We’re thrilled to announce Genius Reviews, the first product available in SOCi’s comarketing solution—SOCi Genius. SOCi Genius not only makes highly intelligent marketing decisions but also automates laborious tasks at scale, catapulting campaign efficiencies and empowering marketers with its intellect to make game-changing marketing decisions. Genius Reviews is trained to automatically aggregate and respond to reviews in an authentic and on-brand voice, increasing reputation and brand visibility. To learn more about how SOCi Genius leverages AI, drives efficiency, automates workflows, and maximizes ROI, visit   Genius Reviews is demonstrated to:
  • Improve speed of responses by 64%
  • Improve response rates by 19%
  • Improve ratings for new reviews by 0.67 stars or 17%
  • Improve overall average ratings by 0.13 stars or 3.7%

Improvements to Review Notifications

Building on our previously launched rating-based email notifications, users can now expand their reach by including both users and non-users in notifications. Additionally, they can personalize email notification subjects and set up notifications triggered by specific keywords within reviews.    

Editable Review Responses

SOCi Reviews introduced a new workflow for identifying and managing updated reviews. SOCi Review users now have the capability to edit and revise previously submitted review responses, ensuring that their responses remain accurate and pertinent to evolving review content. This enhancement empowers users to maintain the relevance and precision of their responses as reviews evolve over time.      



Google Owner Q&A Enhancements

With the newest enhancements to Google Owner Q&A, customers can:
  • Edit published Q&As for all locations or selected locations
  • Monitor the progress of adding or deleting Owner Q&A’s for your locations with a quick-view progress bar.
Start publishing your own Google Q&As by going to Listings > Google Q&A and selecting 'Add Q&A'.    

See the latest releases & updates in action

Discover how our Winter 2023 updates can streamline your operations and boost your brand’s performance. Get a demo today   Interested in learning what practices and preferences consumers prefer when interacting on and offline with local business? Download these exclusive insights that will guide you to nurturing lasting customer connections.