SOCi Spring ‘24 Release Notes


SOCi Spring ‘24 Release Notes

SOCi Spring ‘24 Release Notes

In the Spring '24 Release, SOCi enhances the CoMarketing Cloud with Genius Social, leveraging AI automation grounded by data to fill monthly content creation and generate engagement replies. This release also brings a much-anticipated listings accuracy tool, expands your reach through TikTok, a custom report builder, and improved platform control with new roles and user management features. This suite of enhancements is designed to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and enhance your marketing impact.



Identity & Access Management  | Roles & User Management

Whether you're an enterprise brand or a financial services firm, or just looking for tighter control over your SOCi platform interactions, these new role and user management features provide an added layer of protection. Key updates include:

  • Create and define Custom Roles Choose to use predefined roles or create your own.
  • Grant SOCi solution access by Role Choose which parts of the SOCi platform each user role can access. For example, if you use SOCi for Listings, Pages, Reviews, and Social but only want certain users to access the Social, you can customize this easily.
  • View-Only Permissions By popular demand, we're introducing view-only access. This ensures that users can only see the content without making edits, enhancing security and maintaining data consistency.
  • Expanded Approvals Previously, only Admins could approve content. Now, you can assign approval capabilities to various roles, decentralizing the process and speeding up operations.
  • Field-Level Controls Different roles can now have distinct access levels to edit SOCi Listings and SOCi Pages data fields.
  Ready to put Roles into action, but not sure where to start? Check out this blog: Maximizing Ease and Efficiency: Best Practices for Leveraging Your Multi-Location Business Software’s Custom Roles and Workflows   

Location Table | Search Enhancement

Thanks to the latest updates to search functionality within the Location Table, it's now even easier to find exactly what you need in SOCi. 

  • Search by Remote ID or Address, providing more flexibility in how you search for locations in SOCi. 
  • Customizable Display Options: Choose to display the Remote ID and Address columns directly in the Location Table for quick access to the information that matters most to you. Your selection will be saved, keeping your preferred view ready for your next visit. 

This update is all about giving you more control and efficiency in how you manage and navigate your locations.



Report Builder

SOCi Insights provides a bird’s-eye view of multi-location brand’s reputation, search, and social performance down to the location level.  The Report Builder further enables brands to dive even deeper into their data by creating custom reports tailored to their unique business needs. You can now. Learn more.




Listings Health

We launched our highly anticipated listings accuracy tool, Listings Health, a game-changer for managing your business listings errors and offering unparalleled visibility and automation directly at your fingertips.

  As a part of our SOCi Listings product, Listings Health lets you gain access to a powerful dashboard that works around the clock to keep your listings as accurate and consistent as possible across major platforms like Google, Facebook, Yelp, Bing, and Apple. By proactively scanning for discrepancies daily, auto-syncing your location data upon detection of a mismatch, and providing detailed insights to any mismatches that require your attention, Listings Health makes maintaining the accuracy of your listings easier than ever, helping you build stronger customer trust and enhance engagement.      


Content Management

It’s now even easier to craft a locally unique page in SOCi.

  • HTML & Visual Editor For Page Fields Add HTML source code, format text, or insert an image directly into a page field.

  • Automate Page Creation When you create a new location, you can have a set of pages that are automatically created for that location as a default. If you need to skip that step, you can now unselect any auto pages before you create the location.

  • Flexible Content Modules In SOCi Pages, Modules are blocks of content you can localize with dynamic fields and insert on multiple pages. Leverage Modules for any content shared across several locations, such as page sections highlighting products, FAQs, services, or offers. Now, you can assign content modules to specific locations or groups of locations as you build them. Once a change is made, all the pages linked to that module are also updated.

Approval Management

  • More Ways To Manage Admins automatically have permission to assign approvals, but others can assign approvals if this permission is granted for their Role.

  • Better UI Quickly identify when an approver needs to be assigned to a change. If the approval has already been assigned, you will now see a very obvious green indicator.

  • More Controls Determine if updates to content with nested fields or multiple inputs can be approved as a group or if you want each field and/or input to require its own approval.

Product UI Enhancements

  • Clearer Field View When editing both Pages and Modules, you can now expand and collapse all fields in a data group or all child fields of a parent field.

  • Special Hours View any special hours set for the location in addition to normal business hours when editing a page via the Page dialog. Previously, only normal hours were displayed.


Genius Social

We shared a groundbreaking step in multi-location marketing with the launch of the second product in the company's Genius line of next generation autonomous marketing products. 

With Genius Social, you can bring AI automation to your local social strategy. Our innovative AI combines local data from every channel and uses best practices to automatically fill monthly, hyper-localized content calendars and on-brand engagement replies. 

Interested in learning more? Request a demo today or learn more on our blog.



SOCi Social has added TikTok to its platform, providing a scalable solution for video posting, scheduling and performance measurement. This integration allows multi-location enterprises to boost their visibility and engagement effectively on TikTok, a leading social media platform globally.  

Ads & Boost


Updated Objectives

To align with Meta’s Outcome Driven Ad Experience initiative to simplify and reduce the number of paid ad campaign objectives, SOCi took this as an opportunity to create more parity between our Ads and Boost offerings.
  • Ads Plus: Consolidated ad objectives from 13 to 5 objectives: Awareness, Engagement, Traffic, Leads and Sales
  • Boost Plus: Available objectives available are Awareness, Engagement, Traffic (new), and Sales (new - pixel required)
  • Ads & Boost: More comprehensive ad controls with conversion and optimization goals   


New Integration: Yardi

 The Yardi Integration represents a significant enhancement to our SOCi Surveys product. This integration enables the automatic sending of surveys in response to specific triggered events (move-in, move-out, maintenance, renewal) occurring within a customer's Yardi instance. By leveraging data and events from Yardi, a leading property management software, SOCi Surveys makes resident feedback collection more timely and effective for property management companies.  
  • What makes this integration great? Set it & forget it. After the initial setup, property managers can rest assured that surveys are asking the right questions, at the right time, to the right residents — without additional effort.

  • Bonus! All property customers will have access to expertly crafted out-of-the-box templates for all eligible events to make getting started, quick and easy.




Two-Decimal Review Reporting for Deeper Insight

Enhanced review reporting now includes two decimal places, providing deeper and more accurate insights into your data. This refinement allows for a more precise understanding of your performance metrics, enabling better-informed decision-making.  

New FTP Exports for Review Data Access

Our Reviews product now offers an FTP Export feature, enabling users to set up scheduled file exports of their review data. This enhancement enables seamless integration of reviews into any system that accepts FTP — opening up new possibilities for further analysis, archiving, and more.




Dynamic Business Hours

Automatically sync your chatbot with SOCi Listings to provide the end user with accurate, up-to-date business and special hours for each location with dynamic text.    



We are thrilled to announce a partnership with Talkwalker, a leading consumer intelligence and social listening company. Our partnership makes it easy for marketers to activate social listening insights for more effective and impactful local marketing through SOCi’s search, reputation, and social tools. Read more about this partnership here  

See the latest releases & updates in action

Discover how our Spring 2024 updates can streamline your operations and boost your brand's performance. Get a demo today

  Interested in learning what practices and preferences consumers prefer when interacting on and offline with local business? Download these exclusive insights that will guide you to nurturing lasting customer connections.