5 Ways to Convince Franchisees to Adopt Localized Social Marketing
Social media ROI is one of the most pressing issues for marketers in 2019. This is especially pertinent in the franchise space, where national franchise brands have to develop an all-encompassing strategy to manage social pages for both individual locations and the corporate entity.
Maximizing social ROI starts with understanding the localized movement happening across social media. Each franchise location now has its own page on major social platforms, making it difficult for corporate teams to maintain on-brand messaging across all pages. Facebook gives each franchisee a local page. Google has local Knowledge Panels that populate search results with location-specific information. Even Instagram is now testing individual profile pages for each franchisee.
Franchise brands can thrive in this local social landscape by implementing localized social marketing (LSM) and convincing individual franchisees to adopt this strategy. Localized social marketing requires that each franchise location contribute to its own local social presence but still allows corporate teams to maintain oversight.
Empowering local franchisees pays dividends. According to a research report, the top brands that excel in localized social marketing are experiencing revenue growth at 3x the rate of their peers.
Below, we’ll provide talking points that will help you communicate the importance of localized social marketing in a way that appeals to franchisees.
The Three Models for Franchise Social Media Management
Before you can implement a localized social marketing strategy, you’ll have to determine which kind of management model you’re currently using. Here are the three most common models: Centralized: The corporate team posts social content for every franchise page and responds to all reviews. Local franchise owners provide no input. Decentralized: Each franchise location is responsible for creating and posting its own social content on individual local pages and responding to all reviews. The corporate team provides little to no oversight. Hybrid: The corporate team provides a baseline amount of social media and reputation management for all locations but also empowers franchisees to post localized content and respond to reviews on local pages Both the decentralized and hybrid models allow for localized social marketing, but the decentralized model comes with risks. Without corporate oversight, individual locations may post off-brand content that reflects poorly on the national franchise brand. The decentralized model also doesn’t provide support for individual franchisees, and local teams may get overwhelmed and forego social efforts completely. The hybrid model allows corporate teams to support local franchisees while still empowering franchisees to leverage the power of localized social marketing. The hybrid model does require buy-in from franchisees, which franchisors can obtain by mentioning these five benefits:No. 1: Social Media is a key component of any marketing strategy.
Try framing the message this way: whether the franchisee participates or not, local customers are having conversations about their business on social platforms. Franchisees can either be a part of that conversation or allow it to happen outside their control. Social media is no longer an optional marketing strategy; it is a key component of the sales funnel and one of the main channels customers use to find out more about local businesses. In fact, 2 out of 3 Facebook users visit a local business page every week. That volume of traffic simply cannot be ignored.No. 2: Localized Social Marketing allows the corporate team to provide resources to local teams.
If you’re going to convince your franchisees to adopt localized social marketing, you’re going to have to make it easy for them to do so. The franchisor is responsible for adding value to the franchisee. Examples of added value include:- Social media guidebooks
- Monthly training webinars
- Branded design and messaging templates
- Social content that can be repurposed and localized
- Social media and reputation management software