Driving Conversion through Locators


Driving Conversion through Locators

Driving Conversion through Locators


How Do Store Locators Drive Conversions?

  Having a properly designed store locator on your brand website can increase conversions for your brand.   The faster, smarter, and more personalized your store locator is, the more effectively you can use it to engage and convert potential shoppers on desktop and mobile devices.   When a potential customer visits your website, he or she can type in a zip code to see your nearest locations. If there are several store locations in the area, the customer will see the closest one, along with different options based on store hours and other factors.   Store locators drive the greatest number of conversions when they are designed in a user-friendly way and when they are integrated with as many relevant conversion tools as possible. The best store locators integrate conversion tools relevant to your brand’s line of business, such as appointment booking buttons, requests for quotes, contact request forms, and the like. Mobile usability and design should also be taken into consideration when designing a store locator. Leads captured through locator conversion tools can be leveraged in a multitude of ways including retargeting and email marketing.   Companies like SOCi take an all-in-one approach to store locators, with customizable solutions that connect with every level of local marketing and local search optimization.